Brett Baughman

Thursday, July 31, 2008

Breaking Through

When is the last time you stopped... and checked in with yourself? How long has it been since you examined the similarities between the life you are living and the life you want to have?

I suggest at least once a week to take some time for yourself and either meditate or journal about what you are feeling and thinking. this will give you a clear picture of where you are and where you are headed. If you seem to keep running into the same issues or challenges then you can look at the process or strategy you have been using and chose to make changes that are both ecological and productive to help you improve your results.

Another very important habit to form, is to check the alignment between your beliefs and your actions. Are you acting or taking action in a way that propels you toward what you want or are you walking into walls and consistently what you don't want. This could be due to an incongruency in your values. If this is happening, don't worry, conducting a personal breakthrough session will help you redefine your values, as well as, assist you in removing any blocks that may have slowed down your progress.

For questions on how to improve your results email:

1 comment:

dclone said...

Hello Brett -

I'm a sexually confused, 33 year old cyclops who's really looking to make my mark in the world. Can your program help me? In my free time, I enjoy playing the bag pipes, rugby & exploring caves ( I believe it's called splunking). I have one giant eye in the middle of my head and I'm having a tough time finding Mrs Right.


Allen S.